2015 BC Provinicial Vaulting Championships

Vault Canada Individual Canter D Senior Women

Rachel Brears - Manestream


1st Go Status1st Go Score2nd Go Status2nd Go ScoreRound 13rd Go Status3rd Go Score4th Go Status4th Go ScoreRound 2Overall

Compulsories Round 1 on Sam I Am (222) with Jenny Wick

Judge(s)StatusScoreMountSeatFlagKneelSwingHalf MillHorse
Sue Smith AVA rCompleted4.8632.

Freestyle Round 1 on Sam I Am (222) with Jenny Wick

Judge(s)StatusScorePerformanceVariety of ExercisesVariety of PositionUnity of CompositionMusic InterpretationCreativity & OriginalityHorse
Sue Smith AVA rCompleted5.5905.

Compulsories Round 2 on Sam I Am (222) with Jenny Wick

Judge(s)StatusScoreMountSeatFlagKneelSwingHalf MillHorse
Sue Smith AVA rCompleted5.3253.

Freestyle Round 2 on Sam I Am (222) with Jenny Wick

Judge(s)StatusScorePerformanceVariety of ExercisesVariety of PositionUnity of CompositionMusic InterpretationCreativity & OriginalityHorse
Sue Smith AVA rCompleted4.8904.