2018 Octoberfest

Pairs - First Year Walk

Cheyenne & Danielle - Triple M


1st Go Status1st Go Score2nd Go Status2nd Go ScoreRound 1

Compulsories on Logan with Marijean Maher

Judge(s)StatusScoreMountMountSeatSeatFlagFlagStandStandSwingSwingHalf MillHalf MillReverse SwingReverse SwingHorse
Colin SchmidtCompleted5.1574.0 + 5.04.5005.2 + 6.25.7004.5 + 5.44.9504.0 + 7.05.5004.7 + 5.65.1505.2 + 5.45.3003.0 + 5.44.2005.5

Freestyle on Logan with Marijean Maher

Judge(s)StatusScorePerformanceVariety of ExercisesVariety of PositionUnity of CompositionMusic InterpretationCreativity & OriginalityArtistic DeductionsHorse
Colin SchmidtCompleted5.3535.