Membership for EVABC

EVABC Memberships are part of the Horse Council BC Membership system. You can purchase your 2014 EVABC Membership at the same time as your HCBC membership or at a later date.

  • Individual Memberships are $35.00
  • Family Memberships are $60.00 (1 or 2 senior members plus junior members)

Visit to get started, and then either:

  • Log into the HCBC system using your current HCBC login information (not EVABC/VaultCanada login information).
  • If you have not been a member of HCBC in the past, just sign up for a new account.

Club Memberships

EVA clubs who are paid up and in good standing receive listings on the EVA of BC website, Horse Council of BC website and seats on the EVA of BC Board of Directors as well as an option to purchase club liability insurance .

Please contact [email protected] for more information on Club Membership.

Please contact form more information on insurance.

EVABC Club Membership costs $10.00 per year, and payment must be made via PayPal right here:

Club Name
Contact Name and Email